Tiffany Edwards
District Testing Coordinator, Media Specialist & Instructional Assistant
Phone: 503-633-2691
Email: tiffany.edwards@stpaul.k12.or.us
Degrees and Certifications: A.A., A.S.
Hometown: West Linn, Oregon
Educational Background: Pendleton High School, Southern Oregon University, Clackamas Community College

Library Book Checkout
Students can now check out library books. Just click on the "Destiny Discover Home" link and browse our inventory. Students need to write down 2 book choices, the titles, and the authors. Then click on the "Form" link and fill in the information needed. These links are also in your student's google classroom. Hopefully, your 1st choice book will be available, if not then I will check out your 2nd choice for you. Mrs. Edwards will send books home with students on Thursdays. Please email me if you have any questions.
Thank you
Mrs. Edwards