Booster Club Meeting

Help Support Amelia Cavazos's senior project!

3/10 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/39yg4

3/7 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/39t0u

Health Communication: English-https://5il.co/39rhw; Spanish-https://5il.co/39rhx

Help Support Audra Rose's senior project!

3/6 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/39olg

Middle/High School Principal's Newsletter for March: English https://5il.co/39l7a, Spanish https://5il.co/39l7m

Elementary Newsletter, https://secure.smore.com/n/9kvnxu

3/5 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/39jld

3/4 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/39czm

MS Softball Players
Attention all athletes in grades 7&8 who are interested in Softball: There will be a short meeting on Tuesday, March 11 at 3:15 pm in Gym B. All parents are encouraged to attend.
We will be discussing the upcoming season and times of practices and games.
The following items need to be completed:
● Current physical
● Proof of insurance and signed contract
● Fee: $65 - If you would like to pay online click here.
● Current ImPACT test
All paperwork can be turned into the MS/HS office. If you have any questions about the upcoming season
please email Cam Tharp at - cam.tharp@stpaul.k12.or.us

HS Athletics: Due to scheduling conflicts and the busy spring season, we have split our team's Winter Desserts.
March 13 Girls Basketball Winter Dessert 7 pm
March 17 Boys Basketball and Wrestling Winter Dessert 7 pm

Elementary Assembly, https://secure.smore.com/n/7n6cx

3/3 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/397vf

2/28 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/391k7

Dear St. Paul Community and Families, Only 6 more days left! https://secure.smore.com/n/5gnx3

2/27 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/38wij

Calling all students interested in Middle School Track & Field. There will be a short meeting on Monday, March 10 at 3:15 pm in Gym B. All parents are encouraged to attend. We will be discussing the upcoming season and times of practices and meets.

Elementary Newsletter, https://secure.smore.com/n/0hb86